Should we impeach Donald Trump?

Is impeachment the answer to have a better government?  

By: Estrella Rodriguez- Opinion 

Our president has been surprising us since he became the President of the United States. He has been "guiding" America for four years and the more we see from him the more corruption we see. Donald Trump since the beginning has been acting to benefit himself. The way he has acted is only benefiting him and we want a president who cares about the people of America. I believe President Trump should be impeached because he has acted to his own benefits. 

One of the main reasons why I believe he should be impeached is because of the Ukraine quid pro quo which means that Trump did a favor for a favor to win the election, which goes back to believing he has acted to benefit himself. 

As a woman, I feel like Trump has disrespected us and taken away our right to chose for ourselves. In his first year as president, he blocked planned parenthood funding. Which makes me believe that Trump does not appreciate women and why would we want a President who does not respect women. 

Trump has shown that he does not care for others, he only cares for himself. I believe Trump has broken a lot of rules and has used his power to benefit himself which is unprofessional and against our constitution. We need a President who will play by the rules and care for what is really happening to this country. We need to stop all that is going on in America and start acting like the Country that it use to be.   

Impeachment is the answer to have a better government and stop seeing corruption in


  1. Thank you for you post Estrella, I agree with your view point completely. I had never really thought of Trump as being motivated by his own personal goals, but he definitely is. Putting aside all the questionable things Trump has done while in and out of office, his behavior is completely unacceptable for someone who represents an entire nation.
    It is impossible to please everyone, but it is the presidents responsibility to take in to consideration the feelings and opinions of all of the citizens they represent. Making statements and coming to conclusions that are fair and unbiased. America needs a leader who is understanding of the differences and the similarities that connect us together and make us citizens of the world.


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